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My name's Grillith Rentner. I'm a spaceship general engineer working in all fields contracted through StarCruiser Motorworks.

Recent developments mean that I'm currently not taking work. If you'd like to contact me specifically, you can reach me at the Contact tab above.

Otherwise, I'm just keeping some general thoughts here. This used to just be for business, but a crewmate I'm boarding with convinced me to personalize this. So, uh, here you go, Astra.


Been working with one of my crewmates on upgrading the shield system for the main cruiser. We keep heading out into scummy areas, so it's best if we keep our defenses high. I used to avoid these routes altogether, but these numbskulls keep wanting to wade directly into space shark-infested waters. I'd let 'em get killed, but I live here too, y'know? Plus, I'd hate for all my hard work to go to waste. My partner on this project is pretty incredible, though. Hate to admit it, but she's definitely smarter than me when it comes to finding out what makes tech click. I'm more of a hands on, physical sort of engineer. My knowledge only goes so far when it comes to getting computers involved. Luckily, she picks up my slack and I pick up hers. We should be indestructable in no time.


My name is Grillith Renter. I'm a spaceship general engineer working in all fields contracted through StarCruiser Motorworks. I have over a decade of experience working on spaceships and have been since I was 15.

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