This is my traveling garden! It's what I like to call the plants I keep with me on the ship. Gardening's always been one of my big hobbies. People think just because you have verdantry means you can grow any old plant, but if you really want to keep them nice and healthy, you have to let them grow on their own with a little assistance!
This here is Eva! I picked her up outside the Carillion Rest Station. She's one of the first ever foreign plants I bought! On Felo, a lot of the most common garden flowers are bred to be easy to influence with verdantry, but outside of my home planet that's not as common. Eva is native to Verdalia, so she's a wild plant that's grown up without the influence of the lin! I think that's really cool, because it means I really have to hunker down and be gentle and caring with her to keep her around. It's really satisfying to put in the hard work to keep her nice and healthy!
Haha, kind of a silly name, I know! But the color of the petals is the exact same as the color of the astral highway right when you're in the midst of it, so I felt like giving him a name that reflected that. Highway's a trooper; I got him from a trader who was coming back from Felo and he couldn't figure out why his plant was wilting! I took him in and fixed him right up. Oddly enough, he seems to really like Astra's music. Funny how that is!
Algernon! One of my new favorites (although I love all of my garden!) He's a prickly sort of plant, the Northeast Catcher Bloom. It's native to Sear's neck of the woods, and it was just so interesting looking I couldn't pass it up! It doesn't require a lot of water at all, but it DOES need a lot of sunlight, so I have him positioned in the clearest spot to soak in all that sun. He barely needs my help, so I just let him be! It's funny; everyone in Bounder's Haven is so resiliant in the face of their harsh environment, and I guess the flora is no different. It makes me happy knowing such a pretty plant can bloom in a place as hot and dry as Providence.
I found Cammy right as we were leaving Verdalia! One of the Lakebloom locals saw me eyeing this one and gave them to me! I really, really like Cammy. They've got this beautiful white strip along their leaves, and it fades into this gorgeous purple-ish tint the closer you get to their base. Isn't that wonderful? I have to admit, I'm excited to visit all the places in Clostros, but Verdalia was one of the places I was MOST excited to visit! Giant flowers and plants are something straight out of my dream. I can't believe it's only two planets away from me. The world is just so surprising!

Here's a picture of the biggest garden I've ever seen! (Verdalia was really fun to visit! d=^v^=b )